








本片根據英國人Asta Philpot的真實故事加以改編,導演傑佛瑞恩多芬光是選角就花了一年半的時間,而三位男演員傳神而精準的揣摩演出身體不便的角色,令本片加分不少。《處男上天堂》是一部滿載歡笑、淚水,給人溫暖又發人省思的公路電影佳作,令人動容的程度絕對不輸去年的《阿蒙正傳》。

Come as You Are is based on story idea by Vanhoof and the life experiences of Asta Philpot. Three guys in their twenties love wine and women. Wine they have savored abundantly, but they have never had a woman. Under the guise of a wine tour they embark on a journey to Spain hoping to get laid there. Nothing will stop them. Not even their handicaps: one is blind, the other is confined to a wheelchair and the third is completely paralyzed.



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 阿斯塔安東尼菲爾波特是美國( 邁阿密,佛羅里達州 ,1982年出生)的人生活在利茲英國 ), 英國廣播公司 紀錄片題為僅一個晚上,誰是2007年的主角。 他是關節攣縮 ,損害,因為他出生,他的身體運動能力的影響。 他主張積極的權利,為殘疾人與人的性生活 ,即使這意味著支付的性別


雖然初步阻力的想法,另外兩名青年男子,與眼盲,癱瘓摩托車事故和其他影響不同的醫療條件(一)接受參加休假的目的,訪問西班牙的夜總會,並有機會性接觸。特魯普拍攝的BBC紀錄片開了一些爭議,有機會合法化賣淫在英國 ,作為一個給身體不便的人,他 們經常缺乏足夠的性經驗的平均社會建立戀愛關係的 機會 ,儘管有一個正常的社會潛力和正常的感情性需求


Asta Philpot

從Wikipedia,自由的百科全書 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


阿斯塔安東尼菲爾波特是美國( 邁阿密,佛羅里達州 ,1982年出生)的人生活在利茲英國 ), 英國廣播公司 紀錄片題為僅一個晚上,誰是2007年的主角。 Asta Anthony Philpot is an American (born Miami, Florida , 1982) man living in Leeds ( United Kingdom ), who was the protagonist of a 2007 BBC One documentary film titled For one night only . 他是關節攣縮 ,損害,因為他出生,他的身體運動能力的影響。 He is affected with arthrogryposis , which impairs, since his birth, his physical ability of movement. 他主張積極的權利,為殘疾人與人的性生活 ,即使這意味著支付的性別 。 He advocates the right to an active sexual life for people with disabilities , even if this means paying for sex .

後的法律聽妓院訪問輪椅西班牙度假,在2006年期間,他參觀的地方,失去了童貞 After hearing of a legal brothel with access for wheelchair during a vacation in Spain in 2006, he visited the place and lost his virginity . 他發現這方面的經驗很有趣的決定,因此,組織與其他人分享它的極端困難,在尋找浪漫或性關係作為一個身體殘疾的後果,宣傳其意圖通過專用網絡論壇的行程。 He found this experience very interesting and decided, therefore, to organize a trip with other people sharing its extreme difficulties in finding a romantic or sexual relationship as a consequence of physical disabilities, advertising its intentions through dedicated Internet forums .

雖然初步阻力的想法,另外兩名青年男子,與眼盲,癱瘓摩托車事故和其他影響不同的醫療條件(一)接受參加休假的目的,訪問西班牙的夜總會,並有機會性接觸。 Although finding initial resistance to the idea, two other young men, affected with different medical conditions (one legally blind and the other paralysed in a motorcycle accident) accepted to join the vacation with the purpose to visit the Spanish night club and have the opportunity of a sexual encounter. 特魯普拍攝的BBC紀錄片開了一些爭議,有機會合法化賣淫在英國 ,作為一個給身體不便的人,他 們經常缺乏足夠的性經驗的平均社會建立戀愛關係的 機會 ,儘管有一個正常的社會潛力和正常的感情性需求 A troup of BBC filmed it: the documentary opened some controversies about the opportunity to legalize prostitution in UK , as a mean of giving sexual experiences for physically challenged people, who often lack enough social opportunities to build a love relationship , although having a normal social potentiality and normal feelings and sexual needs .

他的意見,促成比利時2011廣受好評的電影“閃現拉碧斯達”,書面由馬里亞諾Vanhoof和杰弗裡·昂托旺執導。 His views contributed to the acclaimed Belgian 2011 film "Hasta La Vista", written by Mariano Vanhoof and directed by Geoffrey Enthoven.


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